DIY Replacement Double Glazing Units

Battling Foggy Windows? DIY Double Glazing Unit Replacement to the Rescue!

Let’s face it, windows are the unsung heroes of our homes. They bring in light, fresh air, and those amazing sunset views (or adorable squirrel sightings, depending on your location). But what happens when your trusty windowpanes turn cloudy and lose their insulating magic? Foggy windows, a telltale sign of a failing double glazed unit (DGU), can suck the joy out of your home. The good news? Replacing a DGU itself is a surprisingly DIY-friendly project that can save you a bunch of bucks compared to calling in the professionals.

So, grab your toolbox and follow along as we explore the world of DIY DGU replacement!

Is DIY Right for You?

Before we dive in, a quick heads up. Replacing a DGU involves some careful handling and measuring. If you’re comfortable with DIY projects and have a good dose of patience, you’re golden. However, if the thought of fiddling with glass makes you sweat, consider getting a professional quote.

Taking Measurements and Ordering Your New Unit

First things first: we need the perfect replacement. Grab a tape measure and meticulously measure the width and height of the visible glass area (not including the frame). Most DGU suppliers allow online ordering, so having these precise measurements is crucial.

Top Tip: When ordering, consider if you want to upgrade your windows’ energy efficiency. Many suppliers offer DGU options with special coatings that can further insulate your home.

Gearing Up for Battle: Essential Tools

Now, let’s get down to business! Here’s what you’ll need in your DIY arsenal:

  • Safety gear: Gloves, safety glasses – you know the drill!
  • Putty knife (wide blade recommended)
  • Sealant gun with silicone sealant
  • Measuring tape
  • Sharp utility knife

The Big Day: Removing the Old Unit

With safety glasses firmly in place, gently use the putty knife to loosen the bead of sealant around the edge of the frame that holds the DGU in place. Take your time and be careful not to scratch the frame. Once loose, carefully lift out the old DGU.

Cleaning Up and Prepping the Frame

Clear away any leftover sealant from the frame using the utility knife. Wipe the frame clean with a damp cloth to ensure a good seal for your new unit.

The Grand Finale: Installing the New Unit

Apply a generous bead of silicone sealant around the inside edge of the frame. Carefully lift the new DGU and position it firmly in the frame. Press the unit gently to ensure good contact with the sealant.

Top Tip: Two sets of hands are ideal for this step.

The Home Stretch: Sealing and Curing

Once the DGU is in place, use your finger (smoothed with soapy water) to smooth out the bead of sealant and create a clean finish. Leave the window undisturbed for at least 24 hours to allow the sealant to cure completely.

Pat Yourself on the Back!

Congratulations, you’ve just tackled a DIY project that will save you money and boost your home’s energy efficiency. Now, sit back, admire your handiwork, and enjoy those crystal-clear views once again!

Bonus Tip: Feeling extra ambitious? Leftover sealant and tools can be used for other household caulking jobs, extending the life of your DIY supplies.
